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The infinite power of a clear and precise message: BY JW

Writer's picture: Jackie WindhamJackie Windham

HELLO, my name is Jeremiah WIndham, son of THAMUSCLEWHISPERER. For those who don't know, that is my moms nickcname, that of which correlates to the incredible trauma release work she provides for the people. I don't want to bore you with a long drawn out intro, so lets cut right to the chase... I read a quote that greatly reshaped my mindset, and allowed my quality of living to improve as well, AND I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE MY EXPERIENCE WITH YOU ALL!

Ok, let's begin... so, while scrolling on social media the other day, i stumbled upon resonated with me in ways very few ever could. While i'd usually just roam around various social media quotes and double tap one that feels somewhat relatable and think nothing of it after, this quote not only came about in a time of which I desperately needed it, I would go as far as to call label this moment in my life DIVINE TIMING. The quote states, “if you are constantly worrying about pain, then pain is running your life.”  Rather quick and to the point perhaps , yet this simple quote like this that leave me in awe. The clarity and self assurance I obtained from reading this quote cannot be described, or accurately formulated in a sentence! I genuinely felt as if my Instagram app had been stocking me for the last few weeks, and decided to come up with a quote that could provide me peace of mind in a way NOT EVEN A DOCTOR COULD! Let me explain why I think that is!

I have learned that there is beauty in simplicity. I believe simplicity leaves less room for speculation, and more room for understanding. The imagery that comes to mind for me is like a steak, and how most typically prefer their cut to have as LITTLE fat as possible which is vital, ESPECIALLY IN THIS DAMN GENERATION! To futher expand om my previous statement, I will nott pretend other factors such as short attention spans, cheap dopamine, and insant satisfaction do not aid to the power of the quote i read. Nevertheless, the content provided by the quote alone was powerful enough to change or at least influence an altering in my perspective, so I do believe quote has its own legs to stand on per say.

I agree with the message WHOLE-HEARTEDLY! I can confidently say that I have allowed the fear of pain to greatly influence my everyday lifestyle, my interests, my hobbies, my social interactions, my diet, EVERYTHING YOU CAN NAME INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY! Although monitoring your health and being self aware can be a positive, not to the degree where you are living a life of fear. Speaking of aware, I am now aware that FEAR and prevents us from doing what we truly desire, therefore opening the door for PAIN. The irony in all of this is the fact that all of my: ANXIETY RUSHES, STRESS, LOST SLEEP, LOW APPETITE, HEADACHES, and other problems I've encountered were strictly due to how the FEAR OF PAIN was running my life. The fear of pain had compelled me to restrict myself of things in my life that brought me happiness, and it is only as of late that that i noticed that all along, I WAS SLOWLY DAMAGING MYSELF!

AND TO BE HONEST, I am glad that I can finally acknowledge that the symptoms I have been facing were all self inflicted. I am glad, because I know that we as humans have the power to change our reality. I had always felt BEST when I operated by trusting my intuition and living with the outcome as oppose to giving into fear. This is why the quote "if you are constantly worrying about pain, then pain is running your life"came at the perfect time for me. Now i know what i must do! I need to continue regain control of my mind and body so i can live a fulfilling life as oppose to one derived from worry. Ultimately, the power of a clear and precise message can not be overlooked, and I hope people continue to use the power of the internet to provide messages that not only inspire, but quite literally SAVE SOMEONES LIVE!

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